

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Happy For Once

It's...been a while since I posted. I tried logging on here last year and write some stuffs and apparently never finished it. Then came back about 8 months later to try to post something again, and still never finished it. In the end, I just deleted the drafts. LOL! Effort? Fuck it, let's delete! I'm writing a blog for once because a friend of mine, if I can even call him that, mentioned that I should write a blog once in a while when I'm happy too, not just when I'm sad. And since last night, I've been nothing but in the best of moods that I could be in.

It's been a while since we've done anything together, but we're still very close. You told me your reasoning and expected the worst. I accepted it and gave you the best. I regret nothing that happened, only that it didn't happen sooner. Everything's slowly falling back in place, I think.

I have a test coming up already on 7th that I started studying for. Lab starting Wed that I didn't start studying for yet, ugh. I'm happy to be back in school at least.

I kept feeling as if I was conscious even though I was sleeping and I could still hear everything going on around me even though I was asleep. Kept waking up pretty often. Didn't want to get up to eat in the morning either because I just had no energy. My body felt all weak. Keep typo'ing like crazy lately too, perhaps because I've been getting sick slowly and haven't exactly taken care of myself? Who knows. I'm being scolded to take better care of myself. <~< so I suppose I will.  ;x

Got really sick last night, so had to stay home from work as well. Staying home tonight too, not feeling any better. Actually, I feel so much like shit that, I think I wouldn't even make it down there in one piece, and risking my life for money just doesn't cut it for me. Bed is calling for me.

I love this, it's like the old times...2-3-4 years ago. You make me so happy. =^////^= ♥